Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bob, 31 Weeks & a Makeover (of sorts)

31 Weeks
31 weeks along & looking bigger everyday. The other day Greg said, “Well, you’re still gonna get bigger. The baby’s gaining a pound a week til the end, right?” To which I said, “Uh, NO…that would mean I’m giving birth to a 13 pound baby. I gain about a pound a week…not the baby.” To which he replied, “Oh, that makes much more sense.” We have our first of four Childbirth classes tonight.

Our guestroom has already changed title to “Bob’s Room.” And the makeover has begun (albeit slowly.) Basically, it’s received a gutting & new paint. I was a bit ambitious considering my inexperience with paint and chose a horizontal stripe for the walls. Around the time of taping, I was really thinking I’d bitten off more than I could chew, but once it was time to rip off that tape, I was very pleased with the result. And for those concerned, I had my dr's permission to paint, I only painted in the mornings when it was cool enough to open all the windows & run the fan and I wore a painting mask. Also, I chose Benjamin Moore’s eco/green line of Natura paint with zero VOC & no odor. They’re one of the only paint companies that guarantee the color added to the paint is also no VOC (whereas other brands have “zero VOC” paints, but the color added to them contain VOCs.) I chose alternating grays (though in the pics they just look white & blue.) Although we don’t know if Bob is a boy or a girl, I would’ve chosen this paint either way. Whenever I hear people say “I wanted to know the gender of my babies before giving birth so that I didn’t have to decorate in yellow and green” I wonder, “Don’t you know there are other colors?” Before/After pics below:

Guestroom - Before

Where are we gonna put all these books? No, seriously. 

Pretty windows

Swatches - Began as 4, Grew to 7

Then "narrowed down" to 12. Sigh.

...aaaand we begin...

By this time, I was cursing tape, stripes, paint, ladders and me.

But alas, turned out the way I wanted! Yea!


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