Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bob, 30 Weeks & Going to School

30 Weeks

I’m 30 weeks along now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I’m a biggie. Everyone I see says, “Wow, you’re REALLY showing now! WHEN are you due?” And when I say “September 4th” they look skeptical…or scared for me. Not sure which. What do they expect…Bob’s putting on her/his cute baby fat now (as am I, apparently.) Supposedly this baby fat will help Bob to lose the lanugo – the fine downy baby hairs covering his/her body, though I AM having Greg’s baby, so I’m certain I’m giving birth to a little hairy monkey anyway. That’s fine. I will love that hairy monkey baby just like it was human.

I am experiencing many of the normal side effects of pregnancy – absentmindedness (which I’ve been told never ever goes away), clumsiness, lethargy, backaches, leg cramps. The one side effect that has NOT hit? Feet growth! I was actually looking forward to fitting into “grown up” shoes for the first time.

Greg & I took the hospital Labor&Delivery Tour recently. We’re delivering at Valley Presbyterian which is a mere 5 minutes away. This is the only hospital where my physician delivers, but after learning about the hospital, I’m pleased. They’ve recently undergone a large renovation of their Labor&Delivery wing and have plans to renovate the entirety of the department. They are also training all doctors and nurses as Valley Presbyterian switches to a “Baby Friendly Hospital” as outlined by the World Health Organization. Valley Pres is one of the only hospitals in LA County that not only offers a large series of pre- and postnatal classes for mothers & fathers, but they are free even if you aren’t delivering at their hospital. I took my first class the other day – Breastfeeding Preparation – and we begin a 4 class Childbirth series next week.

For those that still haven’t seen Greg’s Chase Bank ad, here’s the youtube link. You can see Greg "run away" from Felix the lion. Greg makes the funniest face as he exits - whenever we see the commercial, we laugh & laugh! They really filmed that in a bank too - Greg walked that lion right into a downtown LA Chase bank (not during "regular business hours", of course!)

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