Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bob, 34 Weeks and a Graduate

34 Weeks

34Weeks along and Bob is around 5 lbs or so. Bob now simultaneously kicks me high, low, left and right. It’s quite the site to see!

Greg & I had our final Childbirth Prep Class last night. I don’t know if we really needed 4 nights of classes at 2 ½ hours each, but we did learn some good information. Plus, our “after school snack” was to go to Pinkberry, so I always had that waiting for me.

We’ve slowly begun buying the larger items for Bob’s room. It’s coming along & we should have the changing table/dresser by the weekend and then we’ll also put together the crib. I started working on a custom doggy bed for Tupelo to have in Bob’s room – she’ll need a comfy place to hang while watching over her new lil’ Bob. Pics to come soon!

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