Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Knocked Up (Again.) :-)

Myles's Special Message

Yup, we're preggo...again! Myles is gonna be a big brother & we're thrilled to add to the SmithAldridge family! I'm currently 13 weeks along & due to my "advanced maternal age", I have a regular OB as well as a perinatologist (just as during my pregnancy with Myles.) One has my due date as 10/4 ("10-4, good buddy!") and the other has my due date as 9/24. So, let's say...somewhere around there is when we expect Baby #2 to make his or her appearance. Until then, #2 is referred to as "Biscuit" - something kinda Southern sounding (and I'm always hungry. Mmm, biscuits.)  Been feeling great, eating like a champ & so far, all is happy & healthy! 

"Biscuit" SmithAldridge, 12 weeks 5 days

Mama, Myles & "Biscuit." I'm bigger than I was at 13 weeks with Myles; however, I weigh the same.  

I found out I was pregnant on Groundhog's Day! This is how I told Greg...

Wore the "knocked up" shirt to Game Night to tell our friends. Pictures were taken of bellies.
They say that after years together, couples begin to look alike.

"Wait. What does this say?"


...and so begins The Biscuit Blog!
(which is just this blog, but ya know, with "Biscuit" updates & weekly belly pics.)

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