Monday, March 3, 2014

Myles is 18 Months Old!

Myles is officially 18 months old & going strong! He weighs 26lbs & is 32.5". He recently cut 6(!) teeth...and all at the same time, ouch! He handles teething like a champ though. At the moment, his favorite books are "The Giving Tree" & "Where the Wild Things Are." He has begun to recognize certain letters of the alphabet and amazingly, he knows many colors! He recognizes blue, red, green, yellow, purple, black, white & recently added pink to his list. For some reason, he's not into orange. His favorite is blue & he points it out CONSTANTLY. The other day while at the grocery store, he saw a woman with a blue purse & every time we turned a corner, there she was, so every time we saw her, Myles would point to her & shout, "BWOO! BWOO! BWOO!" And jeez, on garbage day when all the neighbors' blue recycling cans are on the street, Myles can talk of nothing else. 
Myles has discovered "the selfie"

Myles has also begun climbing...

We were sure to enjoy the nice weather before the rain hit a few days ago.

Nosy Neighbor

...but then the rain hit and we learned that Clayton is one of those dogs that not only likes rain, but LOVES mud and puddles and NOT coming inside when the weather's nasty.

But at least the rains brought some fun puddles for Myles too (little ones.)

It was really quiet while I was getting Myles's lunch together. I walked into the living room & saw this for the first time.

So, now there's no stopping him. Lord, help us.

Pantsless, waiting for those 18 month shots.

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